In Gyokko Ryu Kosshi-jutsu, the technique Gyaku Nagare (逆流), found within Joryaku no Maki, embodies the principle of reversing the flow, adapting to change, and countering with precision, as reflected in its kanji.

The kanji compound 逆流 (ぎゃくながれ, Gyakunagare) combines two characters:

  1. 逆 (ぎゃく, Gyaku): Meaning “reverse” or “opposite,” this kanji signifies the act of turning something back or going against the natural direction.
  2. 流 (ながれ, Nagare): Meaning “flow” or “current,” this kanji represents movement and continuity.

Together, 逆流 translates to the “flow is reversed” and the initial way of receiving is changed.

About Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu

Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu (玉虎流骨指術) is a classical Japanese martial art rooted in kosshijutsu—techniques that target the muscles and soft tissues. Known for its precise body movements (taisabaki) and adaptability, Gyokko Ryu emphasizes controlling space and exploiting an opponent’s weaknesses. The system is divided into levels: Joryaku no Maki, Churyaku no Maki, and Geryaku no Maki, each building upon fundamental principles and progressively advancing in strategy and complexity.

The system is divided into three levels:

  • Joryaku no Maki: Foundational techniques.
  • Churyaku no Maki: Intermediate strategies.
  • Geryaku no Maki: Advanced methods

Gyokko Ryu embodies timeless principles like Banpen Fugyo (“10,000 changes, no surprises”), blending physical techniques with profound philosophical depth.