Discover the Essence of Kukishin Ryu
Unveiling the Secrets of Ancient Martial Arts
The Legacy of Kukishin Ryu
Kukishin Ryū (九鬼神流) is one of the cornerstone martial traditions within the arts we practice, serving as the foundation for much of the weapons training (bukijutsu, 武器術) found in Takamatsu-den arts.
The Kuki family, a samurai lineage renowned for their naval prowess and battlefield strategies, developed this ryuha (流派) into an extensive combative system. While there are numerous offshoots of this tradition, this page focuses on Kukishin Ryū Happo Bikenjutsu as transmitted by Takamatsu Toshitsugu.
Happo Bikenjutsu (八法秘剣術) represents eight martial arts disciplines, often practiced in the context of yoroi kumiuchi (fighting in armor).
The densho (transmission texts) of this system sometimes offer generalized steps within kata, leading to variations in how they are taught. For this reason, learning Kukishin Ryū requires an instructor with a deep understanding of the techniques and underlying strategies.
Practitioners must also strive to elevate their skills far beyond rigidly demonstrating kata, embodying the dynamic principles and adaptability inherent in the tradition.
Core Techniques of Kukishinden Happo Bikenjutsu
As mentioned, Kukishinden Ryū Happo Bikenjutsu is an expansive martial system encompassing a wide range of weaponry and unarmed combat techniques. These include Daken Taijutsu (打拳体術), Biken-jutsu (秘剣術), Bo-jutsu (棒術), Hanbo-jutsu (半棒術), Naginata-jutsu (薙刀術), So-jutsu (槍術), and more. By first mastering the unarmed techniques, staff, and sword portions of this ryūha (流派), practitioners can more easily learn the rest of the system, as weapons are seen as extensions of unarmed skills.
Given the comprehensive nature of Kukishinden Ryū Happo Bikenjutsu, this page will focus specifically on the Mokuroku of Daken Taijutsu. (The term Mokuroku (目録) refers to a catalog or listing of techniques that serve as a guide for training progression.)
The Daken Taijutsu curriculum integrates striking techniques with proper taijutsu (body movement) skills. It begins with Goho no Kamae, which introduces foundational postures essential for combat. After these fundamentals are mastered, the student progresses through Shoden Gata, Chuden Gata, Sabaki Gata, Okuden Gata, Tewaza Gata, and Shirabe Moguri Gata, as well as a number of other sections.
Kihon Gata (基本型) – "Fundamental Patterns"
Before beginning the Shoden Gata, it’s important to be able to understand the initial positions of Goho No Kamae.
Goho No Kamae / Kamae Gata (五法之構 / 構え型)
- Hira No Kamae (平の構え)
- Hira Ichimonji No Kamae (平一文字の構え)
- Seigan No Kamae (正眼の構え)
- Katate Hicho No Kamae (片手飛鳥の構え)
- Kosei No Kamae (攻勢の構え)
Shoden Gata (初傳型) - "Beginning Transmission Form"
After learning the fundamentals of Kukishin Ryū Daken Taijutsu, the student begins Shoden Gata.
Shoden Gata (初傳型)
- Seion (生音)
- Suiyoku (水翼)
- Suisha (水車)
- Kubiwa (首輪)
- Hosetsu (崩雪)
- Iso Arashi (磯嵐)
- Fubuki (吹雪)
- Kataho (片帆)
- Tatsumaki (龍巻)
Chuden Gata (中傳型) - "Middle Transmission Form"
The Chuden Gata follows a natural progression from the Shoden Gata, building upon all previous skills learned.
Chuden Gata (中傳型)
- Ura Nami (浦波)
- Tenchi (天地)
- Kata Nami (方波)
- Kasumi Gake (霞掛)
- Taki No Se (瀧之瀬)
- Enpu (塩風)
- Yama Arashi (山嵐)
- Ryufu (龍風)
- Tatsu Nami (鉄槌波)
- Ko-O (虎尾)
- Kasane Iwa (重岩)
- Shiho Dori (四方捕)
Sabaki Gata (捌型) – "Handling Form"
Sabaki Gata is the third level of Kukishin Ryū Daken Taijutsu, adding additional depth of skill to students.
Sabaki Gata (捌型)
- Ara Koma (荒駒)
- Kasoku (鹿足)
- Chikusei (竹声)
- Yume Makura (夢枕)
- Suso Sabaki (裾捌)
- Iso Gaeshi (磯返)
- Kaze Barai (風払)
- Kuruma Dori (車捕)
- Kimon (鬼門)
- Ura Kimon (裏鬼門)
- Ukimo (浮藻)
- Ranpu (乱風)
Okuden Gata (奥傳型) – "Inner Transmission Form"
The Okuden Gata marks the start of more open attacking. Jiyu Uchi (自由打ち), meaning “free striking”, requires the student to freely adapt while performing the technique.
Okuden Gata (奥傳型)
- Fusetsu (風雪)
- Sagi (扠技)
- Kaeshi Waza (返技)
- Oni Otoshi (鬼落)
- Iwa Kudaki (岩砕)
- Setto (瀬戸)
- Goto (剛倒)
- Dofu (挐風)
- Oni Kudaki (鬼砕)
- Ryufu (柳風)
- Tachi Uchi (太刀打)
- Hane Taoshi (撥倒)
Tewaza Gata (手技型) – "Hand Technique Form"
The Tewaza Gata contains fundamental blocking, striking, and locking techniques for Kukishin Ryū Daken Taijutsu.
Tewaza Gata (手技型)
- Omote Gyaku (表逆)
- Ura Gyaku (裏逆)
- Take Ori (竹折り)
- Shuto (手刀)
- Chin Ken (椿拳)
- Sui Ken (捶拳)
- Kou Ken (扣拳)
- Oshi Ken (押拳)
- Ko Ken (狐拳)
- Ryu Ken (留拳)
- U Ken / Sa Ken (右拳 / 左拳)
- Omote Onikudaki (表鬼砕き)
- Ura Onikudaki (裏鬼砕き)
- Goja Dori (強者捕り)
- Muso Dori (無双捕り)
- Bassoku (跋定)
- Sekisoku (跖定)
- Happo Uke (八方受け)
Shirabe Moguri Gata (調潜型) – "Investigative & Submersive Form"
Shirabe Moguri Gata (調潜型)
- Moguri Dori (潜捕)
- Sharin (車輪)
- Kofuku (虎伏)
- Ryufuku (龍伏)
- Tobi Chigai (飛違)
- Yama Otoshi (山落)
- Teki Otoshi (擲落)
- Tekito (敝当)
- Musasabi (鼯)
- Gyaku Nage (投逆)
- Uchi Harai (打払)

Learn Kukishin Ryu
Training is available online directly from James Wright Kancho at Kobukan University.